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Games » Metin2 Pvp Yang and İtem » Aeldramt2 Global Yang


The breath of the Dragon God ruled over the Shinsoo, Chunjo, and Jinno empires for a long time. But this fascinating world of magic faces a great threat: The impact of the Metin stones not only inflicted deep wounds on the continent, but also brought chaos and decay to the land and its inhabitants. A war broke out between the realms, wild animals turned into evil monsters, and the dead rose as bloodthirsty creatures. Stand as an ally of the Dragon God against the dark influence of the Metin stones. Gather your strength and upgrade your weapons to protect your empire from a future filled with fear, suffering and decay!


You can see our İtempol Aeldramt2 Global Yang  prices here,

You can quickly  buy Aeldramt2 Global Yang . The cheapest  Aeldramt2 is at Global Yang  İtempol.

Do not establish a market, it will be given from trade. (Make sure your trade is not blocked.)

Deliveries will be given as 100M from trade  .

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I Bought a Product, Who Will Deliver It?

Aeldramt2 Global yang Our itempol team will deliver it to the Nick you specified in the delivery area.

As İtempol Family, we wish you safe and enjoyable games.