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News Category » METİN2 PVP NEWS » OlivaMt2 - Event server registration and downloads activated

OlivaMt2 Event host Olivamt2 Yang

OlivaMt2 - Event server registration and downloads are activated!

The event host, which will start on September 15 and merge with Oliva2 Holiday on September 29, aims to increase the number of players by 2x, 3x! In this event adventure that will last 15 days: 18,000 TL individual reward, 12,000 TL guild rewards. A total prize pool of 30,000 TL is waiting for you!

For bosses: Protect all area bosses!

For dice players: 1 hour of unlimited dice events a day!

For beta users: 20% easier beta printing.

For guilds and groups with their own team: 11 vs 20 vs guild tournaments Total prize pool of 20,000 TL

Boss reward ranking rewards like before are back!

And we are opening the event server with many more conveniences and possibilities that we can't count!

  • E. History : 15.09.2023 16:52
  • reading : 1.030