News Category » METİN2 PVP NEWS » Lucas2 Alesta 1-99 Emek Server New Server OPENS on Friday, September 15th at 21:00!

Lucas2 Alesta 1-99 Emek Server


The work on our new 1-99 infrastructure, which we have been working on for a long time, has been completed; We have prepared a perfect 1-99 structure by taking the game management, infrastructure management and dropsal management we have acquired since 2011.

You, our valued players, are constantly asking us to open games in different infrastructures, and our success in the 55-120 sector by opening games in different infrastructures; You wanted us to show it, now it's time.

First of all, we are implementing our 1-99 project. We can't wait to serve you on Friday, September 15 at 21:00.

In the future, we will continue to serve you with many of our products in the New 55-120, 1-120, 1-105, 65-250, 119-120, 98-99, 104,105 Style.

We have been able to gain your trust and come to these days with the services we have provided to you, our valued players, with our servers that have been active for 3 years in the 55-120 sector and have not been shut down. Better days are waiting for us and you very soon.

We had previously entered the 1-99 Sector in the summer months and were successful, but we designed our current structure in a much more perfect and different way. We prepared the game structure in the most logical way by calculating every detail down to the smallest detail.

Forget all the 1-99s that have been opened so far, we are really coming to direct the 1-99 sector just like we guided the 55-120 sector, we are very assertive.

You can be sure that we have prepared a perfect 1-99 structure for you with years of experience.

You can be sure that we will give you the pleasure of 2008-2010 in both PvP and PvM.

Our advertising activities are currently operational; Our publishers will upload their promotions on Wednesday.

Registrations and downloads will be activated on Wednesday.

  • E. History : 15.09.2023 14:36
  • reading : 1.385

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