News Category » Metin2 Agenda » Metin2 Mysterious chest and 6 and 7. Bonus

Metin2 Mysterious chest and 6 and 7. Bonus

Hello Dear Itempol Readers

The Mysterious Chest will be available for sale in our Object Market between 15 April 01:00 and 16 April 00:59 for 35 EP.

Bright Yellow Power Fragment Crate 56 EP

Bright Green Power Fragment Chest 32 EP

Shiny Gray Power Fragment Chest 24 EP

Shiny fragment chest 39 EP

Fancy parts crate 8 EPs

Accelerator 30% 29 EP

Accelerator 20% 17 EP

Accelerator 10% 8 EP

Powerful addition 12 EPs

Great addition 6 EP

Middle insertion 4 EP

  • E. History : 15.04.2024 17:00
  • reading : 2.762