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Minecraft Cheats and Console Commands

It is very enjoyable to play in the players' own Minecraft worlds, which they shape with their creativity and ideas. Minecraft cheats and console commands can significantly shorten the production time of creative content. Minecraft cheat codes work differently in single-player mode and differently in multiplayer mode.

What are Minecraft Cheats and Console Commands?

Many players spend hours or even days creating their own settlement in the Minecraft universe. It can take a long time to gather the necessary materials, especially to build structures that are very creative and require fine detail. During this period, players who are bored can do what they want by using Minecraft cheats and spending less time.

How to Use Minecraft Cheat Codes?

The Minecraft cheat codes below can only be used on the map you have created. If you are playing on different servers, especially Minecraft premium servers, it is not possible to run these cheats. We do NOT recommend cheating on such servers anyway. Before creating your own game map, you need to turn on the "Allow Cheats" setting. You can then enter the game and use these codes.

  • /help  "  command  " :  You will receive information about the command you typed.
  • /give  ”  player name  ” ”  item  ” ”  amount  “ :  Allows you to give the item you want to the player whose name you type.
  • /tp  player name  xyz:  With this command, it teleports the player you want to the xyz coordinates you specify.
  • That's it for Minecraft Cheats, itempol family is with you
  • /kill:  Kills your Minecraft character.
  • /ride:  Allows you to ride the monsters you are looking at.
  • /weather:  Allows you to change the weather in the game as you wish.
  • /gamemode  “ creative  or  survival ”: After typing this command, you can turn your game into creative mode or survival mode.
  • /set time  "  value  ": Sets the time in the game to the value you specify.
  • /difficulty  "  difficulty level  ": Allows you to change the difficulty level of the game. Easy, normal or hard.
  • /seed:  Displays the seed information of the map you created.
  • /duplicate:  Copies items.
  • /gamerule keepInventory  "  true  or  false  " :  You can type true if you do not want the items in your inventory to disappear after you die.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle  ”  true  or  false  ” :  Stops or continues the day/night cycle in the game.
  • /summon:  Spawns the creature, item or NPC you want next to you.
  • /instant mine:  You can mine by left-clicking only once.
  • /freeze:  Nail monsters into place.
  • /falldamage:  Prevents you from taking damage when you fall from a height.
  • /firedamage:  Prevents you from taking damage from Flame.
  • /itemdamage:  Turns off your weapons from taking damage.
  • E. History : 25.10.2023 22:41
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