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Fallout 4 Cheats and Console Commands

Some players like to play series of famous games from the beginning. Especially the number of players who have played the Fallout series from the beginning is quite high. In this content,  we will give information about Fallout 4 cheats and console commands  . To pass the sections you are stuck on more easily,   you can easily pass them without a program with Fallout 4 cheat codes .

What are Fallout 4 Cheats and Console Commands?

Even though Fallout 4 is a very old game, there are still players who play it to reminisce about the old times. One of the good and bad aspects of old games in general is that they are difficult. This difficulty can sometimes bore players and distract them from the game. However, some console commands allow you to quickly pass unpassed levels. You do not need to download any third party programs to use console commands. You can open the console by pressing the " é " button under ESC in the game and use the codes below.

  • tgm:  Your character becomes immortal.
  • resurrect "ID":  Spawns the monster corresponding to the ID you typed.
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin "value":  Increases the character's jump height to the value you specify.
  • player.setav speedmult "value":  Increases the character's running speed to the value you specify.
  • tcl:  You can pass through walls.
  • tai:  AI closes.
  • kill ” ID “:  The monster corresponding to the ID you enter dies.
  • killall:  Kills everyone except important characters in the story.
  • tcai:  Monsters cannot attack you.
  • tfc:  Enables free roaming.
  • tm:  Closes and reopens the game interface.
  • tdetect:  You become invisible to surrounding NPCs.
  • player.setlevel "value":  Increases or decreases your character level to the value you type.
  • E. History : 25.10.2023 22:37
  • reading : 1.018