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İ Tunes

İ Tunes

iTunes Hediye TL Kartı, Türk Lirası değerinde olan ve Apple'ın dijital içerik mağazası olan iTunes ve App Store'da harcanabilen ön ödemeli bir karttır.
Enter the store section and paste the code you purchased from iptempol in the use code phrase.

Category Description

No refunds or exchanges can be made for in-game epin units purchased through itempol.

Frequently asked Questions

iTunes Gift Card TL Prices
iTunes gift card TL prices vary depending on the amount of iTunes balance you want to purchase. It is usually sold in 25 and 50 TL balance packages. In other words, for an iTunes gift card purchase of 25 TL, you pay only 25 Turkish Liras.
Similarly, when you want to gift an iTunes card, you load an iTunes Gift Card for the value of the package you selected.